School Of Biochemistry, DAVV, Indore
Ph.D Biochemistry, Bombay University (1986)
The presence of sialoglycoproteins (SGps) or glycophorins in the membranes from goat (Capra aegagrus hircus), buffalo (Bubalus bubalis bubalis) and pig (Sus scrofa domestica) erythrocytes in comparison with human (Homo sapiens) erythrocytes was investigated by partial purification and further analysis by Sodium dodecyl sulphate - polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-pAGE) followed by sialoglycoprotein specific pAS stain. The results show that mammalian erythrocytes possess prominent differences in the SGps numbers and molecular weights. The solubility behaviour of goat, buffalo, pig and cow erythrocyte membrane proteins and glycophorins was studied by solubilization of membranes with non-ionic detergent (Triton – X 100). The extraction of erythrocyte membranes with Triton X-100 followed by SDS-pAGE, showed the differences in the extent of solubilization of integral proteins including glycophorins.
Action of proteinases viz. trypsin and chymotrypsin, and neuraminidase on intact erythrocyte membrane proteins and glycophorins (sialoglycoproteins) exposed to cell surface and its impact on lectin (concanavalin A)-mediated agglutination were studied in Homo sapiens (human), Capra aegagrus hircus (goat) and Bubalus bubalis (buffalo). proteinase action(s) on human and buffalo erythrocyte surface membrane proteins and glycophorins showed similarity but was found different in goat. Significant differences in erythrocyte agglutinability with concanavalin A can be attributed to differences in membrane composition and alterations in the surface proteins after enzyme treatment. A direct correlation was found between degradation of glycophorins and concanavalin A agglutinability. Action of neuraminidase specifically indicated the negative role of cell surface sialic acids in determining concanavalin A agglutinability of goat and buffalo erythrocytes, similar to human.
The influence of thermal stress on the association between human erythrocyte membranes and cytosolic proteins was studied by exposing erythrocyte suspensions and whole blood to different elevated temperatures. Membranes and cytosolic proteins obtained from unheated and heat stressed erythrocytes were analyzed by electrophoresis, followed by mass spectrometric identification. The heat-induced association of cytosolic proteins was restricted to the Triton shells (membrane skeleton/cytoskeleton). Similar results were observed when Triton shells derived from unheated erythrocyte membranes were incubated with an unheated erythrocyte cytosolic fraction at elevated temperatures.
# | Name | Year | Title |
1 | Ms. Savita Sharma | 2012 | Characterization of Mammalian erythrocyte proteins: A comparative study of structure and interactions. |
2 | Ms. Reena Rawal | 2016 | ntrogression of null allel of Lipoxygenase-2 into high yielding soybean cultivar using marker-assisted selection. Co-supervisor: Dr. Vineet Kumar |
3 | Mr. Ankit Kelotra | 2016 | Computational drug design for some crucial target proteins in Psoriasis. Co-supervisor: Dr.Anil Bidwai |
4 | Mr. Antariksh Tyagi | 2017 | Effect of Studies on global gene expression and adabtability of different ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana along altidudinal gradient Co-supervisor: Dr.Shrivansh Roy |
Four M.Phil and Sixteen M.Sc. students were supervised for dissertation work.
List of Publications :-